
First a little story: 

Many years ago I started this blog that was a "How to" for mommies.  It was basically a how to do what you need to do without much money, as well as what to do during different milestones of motherhood.  My audience was my sister.  Then my audience grew.  I had friends all over the country, cousins, grandparents, and girl-friends reading my blog.  It became a facade for me.  It all felt fake.  I really didn't have much money, and had to be really resourceful.  I really made my own kitty litter.  I really did sew my own clothes.  But it wasn't what I wanted to stay, and it wasn't what I dreamed of creating.  I dreamed of creating a place that reflected who I really am, and that's not just a "mom".  In effort to pad my finances, I started a store on Etsy, where I listed a bunch of weird items that no one was going to buy anyway.  Things were looking pretty dark over here.

At that time I had practiced witchcraft (mostly secretly) for about 12 years.  And toward the end of Mommy Bee Wisdom I had stepped out of the broom closet.  Finally.  That was 3 years ago.  Shortly afterward, everything in my life started straightening out.  Toxic relationships of family and friends were removing themselves from my life.  We stopped struggling financially, and I started finding peace.  I started making things that I loved creating, and started making sales.  The day I shut down Mommy Bee Wisdom dot com was the day I logged in and realized I had no idea who my online persona was!  I decided that it was time to figure that out.  Because sticking to my own integrity for everything else and being true to myself had helped fix so many other things -- I knew my business needed to be truer also.  It was time to become fully the witch that I was.

I went back to studying my craft, nonstop.  I found leaders of other areas and subjects that fascinated me and became their students.  I devoted 10, sometimes more, hours each day to my search for the truth.  The truth of the universe, magick, and myself.  Amazing things started happening.  I started remembering the talents I had as a child, the skills I had forgotten, and the fundamentals of witchcraft.  Most importantly I started applying them.  And I started applying all the subjects I used to study in my youth, regardless of how they logically fit into my life.  This lead to (still seems unbelievable) a number of accomplishments in the last three years,  including my third degree priesthood, numerous other initiations, and becoming a Reiki Master.

[Shameless Plug:  I've added a ton of witchy jewelry, and tools, as well as items for Reiki and Chakra work on my Etsy shop --  Drop by and use coupon code MOMBWISDOM for 30% off a $10.00+ purchase good through 12/31/2019!  You can get there by clicking the banner or click on the Creations banner.]

I no longer care if I fit into a society of perfect moms, or if someone thinks I'm crazy.  I very well MIGHT be!  I am no longer driven by what label someone else might use for me.  I know who I am now.  So I'm coming back to you as I am, and nothing else.

I am Retha Bee.  I am a witch.

***Side note: For those of you who no longer think of me as your cup of tea, please don't feel bad about leaving -- I wish you well!

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