Being an Indigo: The Keepers

The keepers (our children) also known as the Crystal Children, began arriving on the planet around 2004.  This is the next phase after the Originals that you can read about here, and the Warriors that you can read about here.  And chances are, if you're reading about this right now, you fit into one of these groups.

At the time of this writing that would mean that the majority of the Keepers on the planet are under the age of about 12 years old.

I call these children the Keepers because that's what they do.  They are the keepers of the old ways and are in a sense reteaching us.  They design their realities with an ease that many Elder witches would revel at.  They are very good energy workers and will easily heal the wounds their Warrior parents transmute.  The Keepers are very wise, far beyond their years, and
they will teach us that physical age means nothing.

The Keepers are a very challenging breed of human.  I say this purely out of experience.  These children are extremely sensitive. And by sensitive I don't mean just physically, but psychically, and emotionally as well.  This isn't much different than the Warrior child, and as their parent you remember this as well.  From observation I've noticed that many of the Keepers do the best when the Warrior parents have the support of other Warrior parents as well as the Originals.  The old saying that "it takes a village" is becoming more and more apparent.

My advice for the caretakers of the Keepers:

1.  Watch their diets closely, too much processed food with unnatural ingredients can and does often cause severe behavioral reactions.  It's necessary for us to understand that these children become sick even in vibrational ways. (We will discuss vibrational medicines soon)

 You're starting to notice the same thing about yourself, as well.  This is mostly because they raise our vibrations, much like we did our parents'.

2.  Watch your own vibration levels, because exactly like they raise our vibrations we can lower their vibrations.  In this way we can potentially become toxic to them.  You as the caretaker of the Keeper should be meditating daily.  Keepers should also meditate daily.

3.  Teach your Keepers how to do essential cleansing and energy work on themselves to help keep them vibrationally healthy.  These are parts of the fundamentals of witchcraft, if you're not sure how to do these, learning could serve you well.  Watch for the classes I'll be offering soon.

4.  Let them follow their callings.  When they would rather spend 3 hours drawing or creating something, than doing what the teacher has assigned them, it's important for you find a way to let them have time for their passions.  However that looks is a completely individual decision.  Or perhaps we should be calling for educational reform, and developing a model for that?  This is one of the battles that will be fought in our great war.

5.  Love them.  Love every little bit of negativity and positivity that comes out of them.  Love them unconditionally just the way they are, and learn how to love yourself better.

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