Potion Profile: Bravery

When I was a child I was plagued with nightmares.  Many times the nightmares followed me into the waking hours.  I was terrified to walk into dark areas of our home, I saw things in the shadows, and every night until I was about six I would end up in my parents bed sometime in the middle of the night.  My father would insist that our house could not be haunted because we were the first to live in it, and my mother would try to help me deal with these fears to no avail.  From the stand point of an adult I now understand that I was ill on a vibrational level with fear.  The more afraid I became, the more I brought into my reality things to make me afraid.

I had nearly forgotten all about this time of my life until my 3rd child started experiencing the same symptoms as I at that period in my life.  Still I had no idea what to do about this problem, so like my mother before me, I allowed him to flee to my room to feel safer.  Then my fourth child started
experiencing the same.  Needless to say my bedroom was getting crowded and I needed answers that exceeded the constant smudging of my home.

It wasn't until I was at a very small book store with a very tight budget that I found my answer.  I was only allowing myself to spend twenty dollars that day and had chosen a book already.  It was my turn at the register when the cashier was called away for a random urgent task.  I certainly wasn't in a hurry so I was patiently waiting when I glanced to the left and noticed a bin of out of print books on sale.  One book caught my eye but all I could see of the title was "Encyclo".  That was all it took for me to leave my place in line and walk over to pick up this book.  It turned out to be the Encyclopedia of Healing, and although I couldn't have known at that time it had within the pages the path I needed to solve this problem.  I had exactly the amount of money I needed to purchase both books, talk about a huge sign!

Over the next several months of studying this book, various other books, and absorbing as many perspectives I could; I encountered a break-through.  I realized that the flower essences of Dr. Edward Bach (which I found completely intriguing) were very possibly the solution.  We were coming up on the end of winter by now, so I began gathering supplies to make said essences as soon as Springtime rolled into the Rockies.  The first essence I made was Aspen.

Aspen according to Dr. Bach is excellent for children who have a fear of the unknown.  I tested this essence on my children, and it did help.  But I didn't feel that it was complete enough.  So I continued studying the plants in my area and other essences.  Through that entire spring and summer I spent countless hours making essences and communing with plants.  I used the concept of Dr. Bach's rescue remedy essence to start blending my own potions to come up with more complete remedies.
Bravery Potion available at Wisdom and Creations shop

It was one evening while I was deep in meditation that the recipe for Bravery happened upon me. The resulting potion was to contain: Aspen for fear of the unknown, Juniper to inspire the feelings of safety, Pine for strength and grounding, and Sage to remove the negative vibrations.  Today more than a year later and sporadically using this potion on my children, even my youngest is completely comfortable sleeping by herself all night long.  She is no longer afraid to be left in a room alone and can make her way to the restroom herself with all the lights out.  This would have been absolutely deplorable before.  We have not only had great success with my children using this potion but we have also noticed great improvements with other children who exhibited the same and similar fears.

Who it Works For:

  • Children and adults who are not sure what exactly they are afraid of, and those who fear the unknown inside of the dark.  
  • Children and adults who are drawn to scary stories and concepts only to suffer from nightmares after partaking. ie: A Keeper Child (Crystal) that I was working with was very much drawn to and addicted to the Five Nights at Freddy's game.  He would play the game every chance he could --much to the dismay of his mother.  And then would suffer from nightmares, and a fear of the dark afterward.  After less than a week of using the Bravery potion, he no longer was drawn to the game and was happy to play age appropriate games without a second thought toward FNAF.
  • Children and adults who are afraid of being alone, or fear for their loved ones while their loved ones are alone.  This is slightly more common in children and teens, and is often seen as they believe they are the person keeping their parents safe.  They exhibit the fear when their parents or other loved ones are too far away for their "magick to protect them".  
  • Children and Adults who are afraid of society, new situations, and being around other people.  This includes children who are often afraid of what the day ahead will hold in public school.  **Note although this could include being afraid of bullying -- as a parent please be proactive on this serious subject.  The Bravery Potion can help to an extent, but bullying is a complex issue that must be dealt with in many ways both magickally and mundanely.  
  • Children, Adults, and Animals who are vibrationally sensitive to new situations.  This includes Warriors/Keepers (Indigos/Crystals) who find themselves feeling very uneasy around new people.
How to Use:
  • Add 4 drops to any drink or food.  This can either be added to the last meal of the day or the drink closest to bedtime.  I allow my children to take a water bottle with them to bed, to which I add the 4 drops of bravery.  This way they know it's there in the event they wake up and are afraid.  *Note: for a breastfeeding child, give the remedy to the mother.
  • Place 4 drops under the tongue.  I only use this method really in an emergency, for instance after someone has woken up from a bad dream and motherly comforting isn't helping.
  • Add 4 drops to lotions, creams, sunscreens, baths, etc.  The beauty of the potions is they do not need to be taken internally to have the positive effects on our vibrational health.  
  • Add 4 drops to a spray bottle of water.  Use the water spray to spray throughout a room that feels scary.  One little boy that I work with prefers to use Bravery this way.  He sprays his skin, and his bedroom before bedtime.  
  • Add 4 drops to a humidifier.  This works under the same concept as the spray bottle.  
  • Add 4 drops to the laundry if you're washing the children's bedding.
The possibilities here are really endless and can go as far as your need and creativity will take it.

Bravery Potion and all other potions should never be used as the end all be all.  There might be a very real reason for your child to be afraid.  It's your job as a parent/guardian to investigate the actual cause and take action accordingly.  Take actions on mundane and magickal levels, pay attention to situations and people your child might be afraid of, as well as smudge your home.  Fear is an emotion that keeps us safe.  There might be a very real reason your child is afraid, vibrational medicines are meant to prevent spiraling while the underlying cause is dealt with.  And the underlying cause MUST be dealt with.
To prevent the potion from being a crutch to living, I recommend using them once a day for up to 2 weeks for chronic issues and then as needed there after.  For non-chronic issues just using them as needed should be sufficient.  

The final potion (the one you receive) is microscopically no more than water.  Science has proven time and time again that where there's water there is bacteria.  For this reason, never touch the dropper to your skin, mouth, or liquid.  Should you do so dip the dropper into brandy, vodka, or rubbing alcohol (and allow it to dry completely) before returning it to the bottle.  Store your bottle in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria from forming, and dispose of the potion's contents after six months.  Contact me if you would like a refill.

Other Details:
Bravery is a blend of flower essences created under Dr. Edward Bach's methods.  All of the mothers contain an ounce of Brandy and 1 ounce of water of the flower.  The final potions are composed of only bottled spring water and up to 10 drops of a twice diluted mother.  Microscopically it would be no more than water and magick at this point.  Therefore, you don't have to worry about taste or smells effecting the drink, or food you add it to.  This is also what makes it safe for children, pets, pregnant women, and the ill.  There are no known drug interactions or allergies associated with this potion; However, I always recommend that if you are taking any medications or have any allergies to listed ingredients that you further dilute the potion by adding the potion to water and not taking the 4 drops under your tongue.


**Disclaimer:  I'm a witch not a doctor.  Nothing found on my website should be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional.  All information found here are not intended to diagnose or cure any illnesses. Please use your own discernment when reading ANY information (including mine) anywhere on the internet.

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