Shamanism, according to the dictionary, is the animistic religion of northern Asia,
embracing a belief in powerful spirits that can be influenced only by Shamans; And other similar religions. The word Shaman was first observed in 1780, by Western researchers working among herding tribes of Northern and Central Asia. The word specifically comes from the Tungus-speaking
people of Siberia. Although there is no way to say for certain when this word descended onto Earth, it has been speculated that it is more than two millennia old. Use of the word Shaman greatly increased after 1900, reaching a peak in popularity around the year 2000. Many attribute this to the raise in popularity of the "New Age Movement".
What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is actually the practice of using the Earth and her bounties, rituals, and the spirit world to heal the Earth's people, animals, and features. The healing described is conducted on and with every imaginable level. Generally speaking, the Shaman will first enter an altered state of consciousness channeling information and energy from beyond the veil. Once the energy or information is gathered, the Shaman will then bring it into this world. The purpose for bringing into this world is either to reunite energy left in the past to the present, or to tangibly aid in a person's healing.
What are some other names for a Shaman?
Some of the more popular names include Medicine Man/Woman, Sorcerer, Witch Doctor, Healer, and Priest/ess. For some reason in recent years it has become more and more taboo for a white or black person to call themselves a Shaman. This is largely due to the misconceptions that Shaman can only be of an Indigenous American tribe. It is for this reason most people when finding themselves on a Shamanistic path they will choose a title that closely relates to their genetic origin. I fully disagree with this practice. I believe that Shamanism, because it spans the entire globe, should be a label-less practice -- it should serve to bring us together rather than separate humanity more. Instead, one should chose their title (should one be necessary) that most resonates with them. My Grandmother who trained with Shamans from around the globe called herself a Shaman. My other Grandmother (who I would classify as a Hedge Witch) called herself Grandma -- often and in third person.
What counts as a Shamanic initiation?
Generally Shamans will go through some type of trauma or illness in their life that requires another Shaman to rescue them in some sense. This can sometimes be an incredibly severe, on the death bed situation. It can also be something seemingly less traumatic (but often more so) such as heartbreak. However, some traditions, will choose their successor from the next generation the child who
exhibits the desire to follow the path. Some Shaman are chosen by the path in seemingly unrelated events, yet one day realize they had been studying Shamanism all along.
How do Shaman enter the altered state to access the spirit world?
Very few Shaman use psychoactive substances, such as Ayahuasca, or Cannabis; however, there are Shaman who hold space specifically for these substances. Most use rhythm to enter the trance state. Some can do so without any help. Any method that a Shaman chooses to use will take practice. You cannot just sit down one day and decide to go into the lower world and then just get there. For most beginners, rhythm doesn't only work very well, but also very easily. I often use drumming. There are many tools that one can use to help them into a Shamanic Journey with rhythm as a transport. I use a horse hide drum that I crafted, one can also use rattles. Some Shaman use a combination of rattles and drums. Most all Shaman from around the world used drums of some sort, the Celts used a copper pan to rhythm onto called a quoit.
Shamanism is not a place to hold judgments, and if you are on the path to Shamanism and feel that you are being judged because of it. Examine your own beliefs regarding the judgment and remember -- What others think of you, has nothing to do with you, they are irritated by a reflection of themselves.
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