How to use Potions For a Vibratory Illness

Wisdom and Creation's Potions can be extremely useful for anyone, including infants, pregnant women, and pets.  These potions are actually made of the vibration and essence of something rather than the actual ingredient.
This means that they are the herbal equivalent version of homeopathic remedies.  They generally only treat vibratory illnesses.

What is a vibratory illness?  A vibratory illness is when your frequencies are low, and perhaps you're even experiencing an energetic block.  This seems to effect emotions, and moods more than anything physical, However, if the problem is prolonged it can start effecting the physical body as well.  Much like a homeopathic treatment, a very diluted dose is taken when the subject matches a specific profile.  The remedy works by gently adjusting the frequency in the subject's energy body, restoring them to a higher vibration.  In real time this might look something like: Two kids constantly bantering at one another and then after Bonds
of Friendship; have returned to calmly ignoring one another or playing together nicely.

Please keep in mind that these Potions are not a magickal band aid, and you will still need to work through the root cause of the issue.  They can be used to prevent spiraling but they shouldn't be taken all the time.  All instructions say to use as needed.  This means you don't have to take them everyday. If your problem is chronic you can take a recommended dose of 4 drops either under the tongue or in a glass of water once every morning, for up to 2 weeks, unless symptoms improve sooner.  After the two weeks only take as needed.  It is recommended that in addition to the use of these potions the subject (patient) spends 10 minutes minimum meditating and 10 minutes in the sun.

***DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor, I'm a witch. I have had no medical training in western medicine.  All essences are made under the guidelines of Dr. Bach and therefore should be as safe as Dr. Bach's remedies; however, it is always advised that you use your own discernment on the safety of all remedies.  All potions sold by myself via Wisdom and Creations can be used internally and externally as well.  All recipes are owned and maintained by Wisdom and Creations.  All of my articles regarding health are not meant to diagnose or cure anything and are based on my experience as a witch and should NEVER replace the advice of a licensed care physician.

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