Tooth of Lion -- Kiss of Bee

An exert of my upcoming book.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Grass (standard lawn mixture), Iris (Iris germanica-bearded Amethyst flame), and (honey-) Bee.

Early in the spring-time air of Colorado I sat deep in meditation. In meditation on my resemblance of a lawn.  My over grown flower bed, not yet turned for the spring, plumes in a cascade next to me.  It was the first bright and sunny day out of several wet dreary days and the dandelions were in full bloom. They stood brilliantly among the Iris, and Lilies.  My goal for the day was to make an essence and learn more of the brilliant yellow flowers that my grandmother loved so much.   The air echoed of the faint perfume of a May Day rain still lingering in the air.

It wasn't long before I started hearing the voices of the dandelion, in which only one bloom speaks at a time.  It speaks in a young woman-like voice, and sings slightly as it talks.  "Have you noticed how I tell you before it rains?  My bloom closes to save my florets.  In my roots I feel the storm coming, use my roots to enhance your awareness too.  Roast and grind them, drink them often; always before reading.  I can help increase your channeling as well.  But keep in mind, unless you stop ignoring the screams of the grass as you stomp on it, you will not easily hear the rest of us either."

The grass blades in unison, and in a slow relaxed child like voice adds, "Always walk barefoot upon
us, we love to kiss your feet and then you shall hear us speak."
The dandelion interrupts the grasses with her song, "all should eat our leaves in your salads.  But, my dear witch, my roots are for you."

A new voice enters the conversation and I look in it's direction to see a bee.  She had placed herself on a dandelion bloom that was floating in the glass bowl of spring water and blooms.  She sips from the bloom of which she is resting and then walks to the water and touches the surface delicately with her tiny foot.  "To your creation I have added my essence."  She seems to nod as she floats to a new bloom still standing tall on it's stem.

"We love to be pollinated by the bees, for it is an orgasmic experience for us, a great feeling of allowing. We do not need pollinating, but it is pleasant." The dandelion I was speaking to, whom is now being pollinated by the bee.  Both humming in a rhythm that mimics the wind.
The Bee responds "for me, too, it is a great allowing, like your insatiable human men tasting his sweets.  And like them without the sweet nectar of the earliest spring blooms as Tooth of Lion we would not survive.  This also rings true of your human man, for the great allowing is vital for his survival."

The Dandelion continues to explain, "you see channel, all of nature has a form of allowing and the most beautiful is human connection.  And for that I am a flower of friendship, sensuality, and love.  It greatly depends on what kind of relationship the human has with us, for I imagine the people you find who try to eradicate us are also very closed off to other humans as well.  This may describe the human woman who cannot connect with her lover, or the human man who finds himself no longer a priority for his lover.  You see each side of this equation can be easily fixed. First help people fall back in love with us as they were once, and then use the essence.  They will find a renewed ability to allow both themselves and each other into their hearts for an ultimate allowing.

Our roots like the ginseng will someday be revered, people will soon understand we are more potent from the wild and will discover it is not so easy to cultivate us.  We are not a farm crop, to the earth we are like a band aid.  The people will soon understand they need us, and will stop spreading poison to eradicate us.  For the people we can open the heart chakra and enliven the solar plexus with our great sun power.  Consume me to benefit your emotions.  You see our leave's chlorophyll benefits you, as it is the physical manifestation of the light and the water.  It is very good for your bodies of energy and bodies of earth.  And systems arising from your own fields, if you want to save the earth love yourself first.  Because each person can raise all the people we touch.  Notice how we always grown in community? Yet our seeds are air born?  The essence of Lion's Tooth makes a strong pride.  We strengthen.  As individuals we stand our ground as you humans would say, but as a community we are unstoppable.  Does this make you think of any instances in your human community that this could help?"

In these ways we feed all four of the lower earthly chakras.  Eat our leaves to help increase the security chakra of the base, and partake of our blooms to help increase your connection and love.  Energetically we assist in your self image and power, your love for yourself in your solar-plexus; and assist in your love from that point for others through your heart. It is also in this way we can increase your breast health.  Rub our oil around these two chakras, that are really one.  But for more integration look to Iris."

The Iris, in a slow regal voice, as if coming from a place more ancient than the other two plants.  "Our roots a sponge, we can soak up messes of emotions -- make our essence and use externally.  Yes, channel our roots are often called something else to remain hidden from the new and fly-by-night practitioner as they are profoundly powerful.  As you understand that many are still in the stages of magick that they learn to allow the good.  When they are ready for the beyond that do they find us.  For we help them become one whole witch by bringing the darkness of that which is them to the light.  We in this way, flag such darkness to be transmuted and reabsorbed to the whole, as one piece of beauty to the whole art of creation."

As if suddenly needing to include something else, the Grass interrupts, "Keep us about three inches tall and we shall return the yard to peace, and maintain the temperature and moisture!"
The Dandelion adds, "cultivate us carefully leaving some for future.  The older our roots the better, the higher the power.  Roots more than two years old are best.  When you leave the property take some of us with you and learn how to cultivate us.  Always make wishes on our seeds in the primal language."

Sternly interjecting the Iris finishes, "Slow down our channel is new to this.  More practice she will need before she can keep up with the information.  Harvest our blooms, remembering the color of Iris matters.  Also harvest our root to use in your magicks."

The flowers all begin to speak silently to each other in a sound that resembles a slow humming into the distance as if going back into their own meditative states.  We all sat together for a time, enjoying nothing but the subtle energy of each other and the sun.  I quietly thank all who spoke to me today, gather my things, and the bowl of blooms to return home, slipping my shoes off before standing.  The grass was right, allowing my naked feet and the Earth to meet gently is no less enjoyable as the light embrace of an ancient friend.

Today's Dandelion essence:  Tooth of Lion ~ Kiss of Bee.

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